
Importer process

Note: Basic server configuration requirements for the best content import process

- PHP Memory Limit : 256 MB

- PHP Version :  7.2

- PHP Post Max Size : 20M

- PHP Time Limit : 300

- PHP Max Input Vars : 5000 

- Max Upload Size : 20 MB

=> For new WP sites,

#1 upload your theme at Appearance->Themes
#2 go to Appearance->Install plugin, download and activate the plugins that the theme requires here
#3 Use FTC Importer->Full import to import all demo content to your site then you will get home1 demo and all demo pages, product, brand, testi,...
# to use other demo homepages, go to FTC Importer->Homepage importer click on demo option and press Import to import to your site, go to Pages search for downloaded homepage

=> for existing content, deactivate existing plugins, then proceed with the same steps as for a new WP site

Thank you for choosing !