I work locally on my site and I have a problem. I have a theme Gift Shop. I want to adjust these social media links (on the product pages of the shop woo trade) and remove some like Pinterest. Where can I do it? Thank you
Hi, you can find them in wp-content/themes/giftsshop/inc/woo.hook.php in function "ftc_template_before_single_social_sharing()" http://prntscr.com/hips2j
I work locally on my site and I have a problem. I have a theme Gift Shop.
I want to adjust these social media links (on the product pages of the shop woo trade) and remove some like Pinterest.
Where can I do it?
Thank you
Hi, you can find them in wp-content/themes/giftsshop/inc/woo.hook.php in function "ftc_template_before_single_social_sharing()" http://prntscr.com/hips2j
Best regards,
Criss - ThemeFTC technical expert