I successfully installed Ordo theme and wanted to install Envato Toolkit plugin for Automatic updates, as described in Ordotheme help.
I installed Envato Market plugin, and I needed to insert my API key.
API key, generated in "themeforest.net" -my personal location, didn't work.
So I followed suggestions through installed plugin: to generate new API on site: build.envato.com/create-token
That worked well...
But now, I have two themes: Ordo and Organicstore. They look same to me. Are they identical in every aspect? If so, why two different names? Did I made a mistake in installation, or is there a bug?
I successfully installed Ordo theme and wanted to install Envato Toolkit plugin for Automatic updates, as described in Ordotheme help.
I installed Envato Market plugin, and I needed to insert my API key.
API key, generated in "themeforest.net" -my personal location, didn't work.
So I followed suggestions through installed plugin: to generate new API on site: build.envato.com/create-token
That worked well...
But now, I have two themes: Ordo and Organicstore. They look same to me. Are they identical in every aspect? If so, why two different names? Did I made a mistake in installation, or is there a bug?
It's my fault when update this theme. You can wait us solve this problem then you can update it.
Sorry about that.
Best regards,
Criss - ThemeFTC technical expert