  Public Ticket #1409069
No nav menu on mobile


  • Gianluca started the conversation

    I have installed the food store theme from theme forest but i cannot see a navigation menu on the mobile version. how do I fix this?

  •  479
    Criss replied

    Good morning,

    Because you don't active mega main menu on your site, you can import setting file of mega main menu on download file theme or go to mega main menu and turn it on here http://prntscr.com/hqbm1v

    Let me know then..


    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  •   Gianluca replied privately
  •  479
    Criss replied

    I have just fixed it, You can check it again.

    Don't forget remove cache from your plugin and browser first.


    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert