  Public Ticket #1512734
Roll Over product images


  • Nuno Machado started the conversation


    I've installed OSAPA template to build an online store. I've installed the dummy content available and I've used an original image to create my own.

    I've copied an article and replaced the featured image and a product image for one (tow) of mine. When I preview the store, my images are shown in a smaller size than the original ones.

    I attach 2 images where you can see the original product (the first one on the left) and my copy (the second one). 

    I've even maintained the featured image like the original, but when I pass the mouse over the featured image, it changes to the one I've made, the smaller one.

    Both images (original and mine) have the same size. Do you know how to solve this question?

    Best Regards


  •  479
    Criss replied

    You can check your image size, make sure they have the same size with our image.

    Then go to customize > woocommerce > product image. you can see the option to change image size http://prntscr.com/iulryr


    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert