  Public Ticket #1525256
Typography and color in sticky menu


  • Jessie started the conversation


    So there are 3 things i want to ask:

    1. I changed the font family in typography (the options) to verdana and ABeeZee, but the website won't show the fonts.

    2. The main menu looks good (typography issue not included). The color scheme is okay, but when i scroll downwards, the sticky menu changes. The backgroundcolor is white and the font color is black. I want the whole block to be the same color as the main menu, and the font color has to be white. 

    3. On product level, i saw you can share products on social media. But Pinterest is spelled as Printerest. Can i change this? 

  •  479
    Criss replied

    Hi Jessie,

    About font family, you just using our font from "Body font-family font" or from google font. http://prntscr.com/izj9wd

    I fixed problem with menu and misspellings.

    You can check again.

    Please let me know if we can be of further assistance.

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    Many thanks in advanced!

    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert