  Public Ticket #1535471
Related product and gallery image


  • roberta started the conversation


    I have a problem with related products. I have 4 products of the same category but as related products it shows me 3 products and the fourth is a repeated product. How can I solve it?
    Same thing in the image gallery, I have for example only 2 images, the theme displays three: 2 plus one repeated. how can I solve this too?

    thank you

  •  479
    Criss replied

    Yes, I know, but the related product need to show 4 product on slider. If you do not enough product, It's will be duplicate one of product. The same with gallery, gallery need 3 product to show on gallery. If you do not enough image on gallery, it will show image product.

    So, You need at least 5 products in one category and 2 image product on gallery.

    or you can turn it off if you don't wanna show it.


    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  • roberta replied

    ok thank you