Your theme (Organico Child) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme.
What do I need to do here?
Your theme (Organico Child) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme.
Thank You
There are our custom file for woocommerce. It's still worked well with lastest verson theme and woocommerce 3.3.5.
Don't worry about that.
Best regards,
Criss - ThemeFTC technical expert
Thank You
You are welcome!
Let me know if we can be of further assistance.
Don't forget rate our theme.
It only takes a moment and really helps us to keep doing what we do best
Just go to and click "Rate this item" under your theme.
Many thanks.
Best regards,
Criss - ThemeFTC technical expert
Hi Jamie,
I will rate the item... just want to get the setup sorted, with the demo content, by today hopefully
Thank You