  Public Ticket #1682618
Menu url, Breadcrumb pic and email text issue


  • Mansoor started the conversation

    Dear Support

    I need your help for the following issues

    1. At my site (towelterminal.com) I installed the theme, all menu links were adjusted automatically, but few links are still pointing towards the demo site. Links from Shop menu and Blog menu are causing problems.

    2. On my website, click on Shop -> shop Layout -> Sidebar Left pages, pages comes but categories on left or right are not shown. Similarly "Categories" link form menu is not showing the categories too. I want to see the categories as these are shown at demo site. Please help

    3. When someone put his comments on a blog, an email is sent to admin user to approve or reject the comments. I want to update the email text which is sent to admin user. Please help me how can I update this text.



  •  479
    Criss replied


    You can help me change the menu on Appearance > menus

    I think you have some custom link, it direct to our demo.

    About Shop layout, you can change it on Appearance > theme options > Ecommerce > Product category > shop layout.

    If you wanna add category on menu, you can add it on Appearance > menus. Help me check the Screen options  then select "product category" from there http://prntscr.com/kkniuh

    About blog page comment, you can check the setting for it on Dashboard > Settings > discusion



    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  • Mansoor replied

    Hi Support 

    Many thanks for the help, followings are still pending

    1. Please check this link


        - Why https is strike through, I just updated the domain name.

        - the background image at top which shows the page name and breadcrumb, I want to change it. Cannot find the image        on site, I want to know its dimensions so that I can prepare a new image for this window. please help

    2. When a user post comments on a blog, the admin receives the email shown below

    Howdy! Your site at https://towelterminal.com has been updated automatically to WordPress 4.9.8.


    No further action is needed on your part. For more on version 4.9.8, see the About WordPress screen:



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    The WordPress Team

    I want to change the text of this email, please inform how can I change this text.



  •  479
    Criss replied

    When you use SSL on your site, you must change all link from http to https, there are some image need change http://prntscr.com/kknue4. It come from footer, please check the footer and change it.

    The dimension of breadcrumb image we are using 1170x200 px.

    About the message from wordpress, You can update your site to lastest version wordpress, update theme and plugin to lastest version. we can't custom this message.

    Or you can find other plugin to setting for email. for example  https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-email-options/


    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert