  Public Ticket #1700195
Header change, no logo


  • Georgi started the conversation

    I bought the theme today and now have few question. 1. How can i edit the header part, i cannot find that option. 2. I changed the main logo, but in the header it is still showing Woochi logo. 3. Why there is so many created pages when imported, and what is they purpose, to be customized and etc. 

  •  479
    Criss replied


    1st.You can edit the header, please install child theme and copy the header file to child theme. then you can custom it.

    2nd. please help me check the page option of this page. You can go to edit page, then scroll to bottom of edit page, you can see the page options. Setting for logo from page option will override setting from theme options. So you can delete the setting of page option to use your setting of theme option.

    3rd.We are create the page and post to demo our functions and give you some design for page. You can detele the page, post and product you dont want to use. Keep the page of plugin for example check out, my account, shop...etc


    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert