  Public Ticket #1703194
Купил у вас тему для Wordpress


  • артем started the conversation

    Здравствуйте, купил у вас тему , не могу ее установить как на демо-сайте, вышлите инструкцию подробную и свежую.

  •  479
    Criss replied


    You can help me install and active theme.

    Then go to Appearance > install plugins.

    Please install and active all plugin we are recommend there.

    After that, Go to Dashboard > FTC Importer to import our demo data.

    The last, you can go to Dashboard > Settings > reading to select home page.

    We have document on download file. You can check it.

    Let me know if you have any problem with our theme.


    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  • артем replied

    Сделал все как вы сказали и ничего не получилось как на демо сайте , импорт выполнен успешно но на странице ничего не изменилось

  • артем replied

    Можете выслать подробную интсрукцию

  •  479
    Criss replied

    If demo sample data haven't imported, you can help me check the config of your server.

    You can help me check some config of your server.

    For example: may be you must change some index on php.ini


    max_input_vars (minimum 1000)

    post_max_size(minimum 32M)

    upload_max_filesize(minimum 32M)

    memory_limit(minimum 256M)

    max_file_uploads(minimum 50)

    max_input_time(minimum 300)

    max_execution_time(minimum 600)

    Then try to import sample data again by FTC Importer.

    If It's still not working, you can provide me admin panel access of your site,

    I will check it now.


    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  • артем replied

    А не подскажите плагин для перевода темы на русский язык?

  •  479
    Criss replied


    We are recommend plugin Loco translate to translate theme, plugin to your language.


    there is document to getting started with this plugin https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/beginners

    Please let me know if we can be of further assistance.

    If you're happy with the theme and support you received we would really appreciate it if you could leave us a good review and positive comment over on themeforest.

    It only takes a moment and really helps us to keep doing what we do best :)

    Just go to http://themeforest.net/downloads and click "Rate this item" under your theme.

    Many thanks in advanced!

    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  • артем replied

    как настроить тему не подскажите?

  •  479
    Criss replied

    What do you mean? 

    Did you follow  this document to translate theme and plugin?

    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert