  Public Ticket #1805458
Can't see product image slider


  • Arvydas started the conversation


    I have a problem with displaying images on product page.
    Why I can't see them?
    I don't know why and when they disappeared..

    Please, any help..

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Arvydas !

    Please leave us admin account. We will fix it for you

    thank you

  • Arvydas replied


    Thank you for your quick response.

    Can you give me some tips/advice on how to fix it by my self, please? 
    I'm very interested in this issue. (I'm not a newbie so you can guide me as you know)

    Best regards,


  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Arvydas !

    As you see the image below,


     the gallery image is hidden, take this style to show it up

    .single-product ul.details_thumbnails.owl-carousel { 

    display: block;


    Remove this property


    and add the following at line 7504 in Apprence-> Editor-> style.css


    thank you and good luck !

  • Arvydas replied

    Hello once again, Mr. Kevin, 

    Thank you for your answer.
    I done what you said and I would like to ask you to look one more time. 

    As you can see there is class 'details_thumbnails owl-carousel' so I was expecting the same carusel/view as in Corona theme (the same theme I'm using in my website).

    Please take a look at the example https://demo.themeftc.com/woo-corona/store/product/skirt-brown-leather/ . 

    Best regards,


  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Arvydas !

    Maybe your theme-child is receiving template of Woocomerce not ours, you try to activate the main theme and review the problem, if not, leave the admin account, we will see and Snooze you resultsMaybe your theme-child is receiving template of Woocomerce not ours, you try to activate the main theme and review the problem, if not, leave the admin account, we will see and Snooze you results

    thank you for your's contact !