  Public Ticket #2006333
Widgetised sidebar


  • P van Dieren started the conversation

    Hi .

    We have added a widgetised sidebar (with a submenu contributed to it) to a page displaying FTC_Blogs. 

    When this page is loaded on mobile it shows this whole sidebar menu on top of this page above the FTC_Blogs (with the Posts). 

    How can we make this widgetised sidebar a Minimized On Handheld Devices-menu on this Page.  (so we get the folded sub-menu on handheld devices.)..

    I hope you understand. 

    best Pyke

    This page uses a widgetised sidebar with submenu contributed: https://healthyingredients.org/nl/blog/   and this should be Minimized On Handheld Devices) 

    and should look like the sidebar menu on this Post. : https://healthyingredients.org/nl/blog/mond/mond-ongezond/suiker-background-image2/

    (where this is kind of a toggle menu (Minimized On Handheld Devices)

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi P van Dieren!

    I understand what you mean, but I can't access your wp-admin because of 503 error, http://prntscr.com/nn2ox2
    Please check this to make the process faster

    thank you

  •   P van Dieren replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi P van Dieren !

    I still have the old problem when I try to log in to your site 503
    Please turn off maintenance mode or check the remote connection request from your server

    thank you