  Public Ticket #2051825
instagram feed


  •  1
    Anastasia started the conversation

    I want to add the instragram feed to show just like in home two. I thought it would be there on home 2 page. It is not...how can I achieve that look?

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Anastasia Mavropoulou !

    I have adjusted css so that it displays as a demo for you, you can review it on the site

    thank you

  •  1
    Anastasia replied

    no it does not..where is that css. Can you please write it here?I like to be in control of things

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Anastasia Mavropoulou !

    I added the following css attribute to all Istagram images displayed in 1 row

    .ftc-instagram-widget .ftc-instagram {
        display: flex;

    thank you