If you dump the menu list it will display the entire category vertically as you have seen,
You can do it in a simpler way and divide it half into a menu name, the other half into a new menu and add them into two columns in the FTC - Footer, with each column a menu you have broken down, it will Displayed in 2 columns for you
''You can do it in a simpler way and divide it half into a menu name, the other half into a new menu and add them into two columns in the FTC - Footer, ''----------------------------------I not quite understand it.
I actually tried the FTC footer. In this case, you could create a footer as a page. But once I attach FTC footer in a widget area like(middle, top or bottom footer). And the wohle content of the FTC footer shows up in the footer area BUT not the menu link.... That is the problem. You could apparently only attach a FTC footer page in the widget area, and the content of the footer shows up but not the link or a name of the menu...
SO I used navigation menu in widget area instead...
Could you explain How I could proceed as your method?
You need to create a new footer at FTC Footer like I did here http://dollparadies.de/wp-admin/post.php?post=1843&action=edit Add 2 menus created to those 2 sections at sidebar Footer Middle adds this footer to the display Watch me demo on your site
Dear Kevin,
I find in the karo Theme there is no horizontal navigation menu on the footer.
On the header the main nav menu is shown horizontal but not on the footer.
on appearence----widgets---footer middle I insert the "navigation menu".
It then shows navigation menu on the footer but only vertical.
I have 9 links on the natigation menu but they stack vertically together and it is not beatiful.
I want it shown in two columns. I tried the code online but am struggling to finding the proper css class to make it into effect.
.widget-column footer-bottom { float: left;}
.widget-column footer-bottom { display: inline;}
Like this but .widget-column footer-bottom is not the right css class or the code which I see from the internet is wrong...
I am at the end of my research and want to ask for your help.
Hi holz !
If you dump the menu list it will display the entire category vertically as you have seen, You can do it in a simpler way and divide it half into a menu name, the other half into a new menu and add them into two columns in the FTC - Footer, with each column a menu you have broken down, it will Displayed in 2 columns for you
thank you
Dear Kevin,
thanks for the help.
''You can do it in a simpler way and divide it half into a menu name, the other half into a new menu and add them into two columns in the FTC - Footer, ''----------------------------------I not quite understand it.
I actually tried the FTC footer. In this case, you could create a footer as a page. But once I attach FTC footer in a widget area like(middle, top or bottom footer). And the wohle content of the FTC footer shows up in the footer area BUT not the menu link.... That is the problem. You could apparently only attach a FTC footer page in the widget area, and the content of the footer shows up but not the link or a name of the menu...
SO I used navigation menu in widget area instead...
Could you explain How I could proceed as your method?
Thank you.
Hi holz !
You need to create a new footer at FTC Footer like I did here
Add 2 menus created to those 2 sections
at sidebar Footer Middle adds this footer to the display
Watch me demo on your site
thank you
Dear Kevin,
I will do it later. Thanks for the help today as well.
thank you, Glad to help you