  Public Ticket #2060453
Quantity "Items" translate with loco translate plugin


  • Martina started the conversation

    Hi Kevin,

    have you a code line for me which I can make the word "Items" after you select the quantity multilangual? I want to translate it with the loco translate plugin, but there I can#t found this.

    Thank you!

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Martina  !

    go to Appearance-> Editor-> select foodstore-child theme to open the file according to woocommerce / global / quantity-input.php link
    Search for "Items" in this file to change it

    thank you

  • Martina replied

    Hi Kevin!

    I don´t want to changed this at this way.. I want it multilingual at not for only one language. Thereforce I need the php line I thought that when there is this code it must be at the loco tarnslate plugin by the foodstore translate but it isn´t.

    <?php echo sprintf( _n( '%d Item', '%d Items', $i, 'foodstore' ) Can you changed this code that I can use it for the loco translate plugin?


  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Martina !

    If you want to translate multiple languages, you need to use WPML plugin to translate it thoroughly, about the override file, these Locotranslate sections cannot support 100%.

    thank you