  Public Ticket #2148056
Checkout without transport price


  • Manuel Lopez started the conversation


    I just realised that I can go to the checkout part without add any for the transport. So when i click to pay, is charging me a lot more than the checkout page show. With no explain or something.

    Is any way to ask where to send to show the transport price on the checkout?
    As is now, I can pres checkout from the cart bar at the right.

    Also, I realised that on mobile phone, the Button to calculate the transport price it doesn't work.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez!

    I have adjusted to show the shipping section on the checkout page
    You need to enable display of tax and shipping items in the settings of Woocommerce
    link below

    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied


    When I press on cart, is showing the popup cart from the right side. I can not see the address or shipping price there.

    If I press View shopping bag on mobile phone and I press to change location, nothing happens.

    If I press on checkout on the same windows, it's asking me the details, but it doesn't update the shiping price, and doesn't let me to choose which kind of shiping I want, if I choose Seville. 

    The only way to update the shipping price is press first on view shopping bag, and need to  be from a desktop. 
    So it's making impossible to do a propper shopping on mobile phone

    EDITED: I configured the drop down cart. to make it fixed atm.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez

    The shopping cart button only displays the product and the total price, shipping items can only be viewed on the checkout page, and once you've set your address at the fields of the payment form, you can check back

    thank you

  •   Manuel Lopez replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez  

    You can clear the Cache, go to the payment page to enter the address so it updates your shiping
    # you can leave wp-admin account, I will adjust the dots button slider display

    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied

    Hi, Kevin

    I enter with the mobile phone to cart, and I press on change address, nothing happens. I cannot change the adddress.

    If I press to checkout, from the mobile phone, and I change for, for example, Sevilla. (I have 3 kinds of shipping for Seville, 2 of them are free and one it cost money. But i can not change to other shippings with the mobile phone. Not in cart and not in checkout. (With desktop it working ok)

    # Your account still active. the dots still on blank


  • Manuel Lopez replied

    I realised:

    If I write a couple of /div on the product page. The dots come visible. But the review layer stop to work.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez !

    You can leave the page path of a problem or detailed images which will be easier for me to help you fix

    thank you

  •   Manuel Lopez replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez 

    There are a few problems with your site
    https://prnt.sc/p6ktt5 it may be a problem that causes js and functionality conflicts, please provide your wp-admin account again, I'll check the details of the problem and help you fix it

    thank you

  •   Manuel Lopez replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    hi Manuel Lopez  !

    It looks like the shopping cart check is working again, after you've edited something, you can check it out on the site.

    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied

    still not working on mobile phone

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez  !

    please clear the Cache, to check again, I check on my iphone with the spanish country and it worked fine

    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied


    ok, thanks,  checkout is working.  (I didn´t edit anything about it, I guess)

    EDIT:  How I can change the links color?, Now they are Black, so it doesn´t seem different from the normal text. 

    The dots from the slider still not showing propperly.

    You can check for example at: https://www.sevillavinos.com/vinos-tintos-espana/vino-azpilicueta/

    it happens with any product page that have relative products. And it happens on the relative products.

    You can see it at final of the page where it say: 

    También te recomendamos…

    And also, it possible to make the space between Tambien te recomendamos and the products a bit bigger? It´s too near.


  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez !

    I changed the dots button color in the related product, please leave the image of the remaining issues, and the error page is easier for me to help you.

    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied

    Cool thanks.

    At the moment left:

    - Links are in black, I want them on another color, because you can't realised if is a link or not. (Image attached, the two squares are links)

    - The space between the H2 for related products and the related products is too narrow.

    Attached the image

  • Manuel Lopez replied

    Also, Is possible to have the widget FTC Categories opened as default on Desktop?

    I mean, every category showing the subcategories as default on desktop, rather than have it close as default as is now.
    To cover nearly the full left sidebar, and be easier for the UX. (I attached the image)

    Is important to be only on desktop, because on mobile could be too much information at the first layer. 

  • Manuel Lopez replied

    I just realised that at the cart page, the table is not working propperly. 

    The table is not showing the product image thumbnails, so the table show the titles on bad positions.
    I realised that it giving a few errors when I inspect the page.

    Thanks !!

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez!

    I cannot access your site, there is a problem with the connection, please check again

    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied

    Hi, it's working back again.

    Wp-admin was working, Just home page was giving the connection error because Smush, a soon I disable, it start to work back

    Also I realised I have more than 1000 outlink/inlink from the homepage to another place. That is normal? I have just 130 wines added. 

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez !

    I have adjusted the cart display for you, when you hover the mouse over the cart section it will display the cart information


    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied

    hi, thank you but i didnt mean that, and also I don't really like the style of that hover on the cart..., 

    What i meant was... https://www.sevillavinos.com/carrito/ at this adress, check the table. Attached Image.

    Also please, read all the answers, because it was a few things more than the cart thing. (I ADDED HERE)

    Also, Is possible to have the widget FTC Categories opened as default on Desktop?

    I mean, every category showing the subcategories as default on desktop, rather than have it close as default as is now.
    To cover nearly the full left sidebar, and be easier for the UX. (I attached the image).

    Also I realised I have more than 1000 outlink/inlink from the homepage to another place. That is normal? I have just 130 wines added. 

    Is important to be only on desktop, because on mobile could be too much information at the first layer. 


    - Links are in black, I want them on another color, because you can't realised if is a link or not. (Image attached, the two squares are links)

    - The space between the H2 for related products and the related products is too narrow.

    Attached the image

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez !

    I have made changes to you on the site, please clear the Cache and check again

    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied


  • Manuel Lopez replied


    Now it's ok. 

    Please, can you remove the hover you made on the cart button. I dont't like it.  Also, the space between the text for related products and wish list, is too near to the table or slider. 

    And the product pages are giving a errors, looking for the following address..> https://www.sevillavinos.com/vinos-tintos-espana/zuazo-gaston-crianza/image/gif

    And the same for every single product. I don't Know what is looking for that file, but that url is giving a 404 error

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez  !

    # I adjusted the spacing and removed the display of the hover cart content
    # error product page page is because the site could not find that image, maybe it no longer exists

    thank you

  • Manuel Lopez replied

    Hi Kevin,

    The space it's OK and the display at cart as well

    About the error at product page, I don't know what is asking for that image. that's the thing.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Manuel Lopez  !

    you use the plugin and maybe the image is called but it doesn't exist anymore,

    It's not so important because everything is still working

    thank you