  Public Ticket #2369804
social network colors and link


  • Marcello Camera started the conversation

    Hi, how can i change colors of social network icons? I'm using white background color and i can't see the icons.

    Moreover how can i link the icons to my account? Thank you,


  •  2,669
    Kevin replied

    Hi Marcello Camera  !

    Please leave the site name and wp-admin access account, I will check and guide you to adjust and change

    thank you

  • Marcello Camera replied

    I kevin i can't leave the wp-admin account, because the site is temporary offline. it is running on my notebook.

    However i'm using Karo template.

  •  2,669
    Kevin replied

    Hi Marcello Camera

    Please tell me which version of Karo you are using?

    thank you

  • Marcello Camera replied

    Karo version : 2.0.2

  •  2,669
    Kevin replied

    Hi Marcello Camera !

    Add this CSS property at Appearance-> Customize-> Additional CSS to turn the icon to black

    footer .social-icons li i: before {
        color: # 000;

    # to change the link go to FTC Footer and select Footer Middle to edit
    # note enable the footer editor at WPBakery-> Role Manager
     and edit as suggested below


    thank you

  • Marcello Camera replied

    thanks for rapid answers.

    It doesn't work adding css in the Additional CSS. But i change the css, editing the theme and it's works.

    Where  can i find the section you show me in second screenshot?

    Thank you,


  •  2,669
    Kevin replied

    Hi Marcello Camera!

    Please go to this FTC Footer section and select the Middle footer to edit as I have sent in the previous ticket

    thank you