every time, we load an image, it will say 'failed', but if we get out and get back in, the image is there. it's super frustrating for our vendors. can you fix it for us?
all of our vendors have challenges uploading images.
I tried uploading the product image and it still displays well, # you have reported a resource issue, upgrade it, clear the Cache with WPRocket and check the problem again http://prntscr.com/sxp57r
every time, we load an image, it will say 'failed', but if we get out and get back in, the image is there. it's super frustrating for our vendors. can you fix it for us?
all of our vendors have challenges uploading images.
Can you check on this? now it's becoming an issue for our vendors.
Hi Miss Fashion Week!
Please provide me with the location to upload the image, the link, the image attached, it will be easier for me to help you fix the problem.
thank you
when we start a new product ... we'll set the featured image and go to media and upload a new image ...thaat's when we will get a failed message ...
same thing happens when we try to upload an image from a post.
watch the video for whaat's going on plz. towards the very end.
Hi Miss Fashion Week
I tried uploading the product image and it still displays well,
# you have reported a resource issue, upgrade it, clear the Cache with WPRocket and check the problem again
thank you
how did you upload it? did you go to media and upload?
did you watch the video and see how long it takes to upload an image?
how to improve the whole process?
how to shorten the image upload time?
Hi Miss Fashion Week !
Image upload process seems to be a bit slow with normal, currently there is something wrong when the site is requesting to this address.
Please check it in detail
thank you
should i deactivate hubspot?
deactivated HubSpot
it's still slow. it takes about 1 minute to load 1 image. how to improve it?
Miss Fashion Week!
Try deactivating the entire plugin, then go to Appearance-> Install plugin and activate the required theme themes to check it again.
# Next, check each plugin to check the speed, maybe they are the main cause of this delay
thank you