  Public Ticket #2529604
Can't use wp bakery builder since updating the theme


  • Ivo started the conversation

    wp bakery builder it's not being recognized by wordpress when editing pages, it only display shortcodes, the wp bakery buttons are gone. the plugin is installed and active.

    I switched themes and the problem was solved, so it's an issue with the theme, can someone please check this or me. thanks

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    hi Ivo !

    Please provided your site name,  wp-admin account, I will check the details of the problem and help you adjust on the site

    thank you

  •   Ivo replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Ivo 

    Currently Editor with WPBakery is working well on the site, please clear the Cache and check again

    This is the current wp-admin pass


    thank you

  • Ivo replied

    Hi Kevin, 

    Unfortunately is not working, I access the site now, purged the cache but I can't use wp bakery on pages, the problem persists please see image attached, if this can't be solved, can you please give me the version of the theme with the pages built with elementor. so I can work directly with elementor and go ahead as I am delayed my work because of this issue, 

    Kind regards

  • Ivo replied

    Really I need help with this issue ASAP please It's been like that since last friday when I first contacted support. 

    Many thanks

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Ivo

    Have you cleared the Cache yet? Please clear the Cache with plugin and browser to check again

    thank you

  • Ivo replied

    I did yes, also I realised I can't see the new demo pages on my theme, why is that? I don't have the full theme even though I updated it. (see image 1 attached) I got only until demo 23, whereas on the theme pages there are 38 pages (see image 2)

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Ivo 

    You can go to FTC Importer-> Homepage Importer to import the homepgae you want to use on your site and add it to Appearance-> Menus.

    thank you

  • Ivo replied

    Thanks, but the import button is disabled. see image 

  • Ivo replied

    Also the problem with wp bakery builder is still happening with the front editor, it's not showing and can't be used, only the backend editor shows. I cleared browser cache, purge wp cache and restart my machine already. 

    Thank you

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Ivo

    please clear the Cache to use FTC Importer, or press ctr + f5 and check again, click Homepage first then you can click the "Import" button.
    # Previously Front-end Editor is hidden due to not optimal display, I enabled it, you can clear the cache to check again.

    This is the current wp-admin pass


    thank you