  Public Ticket #2543419
I'm having a very big issue editting the Wibar theme I purchased from y'all


  • Zerk_Chris started the conversation

    Hello, a very good day. I purchased your Wibar wordpress theme 3 days ago and I would like to acknowledge that it has very good UI, UX and seems fully well equipped. 

    There's a very big and pertaining issue I'm facing with your theme. I installed the theme, activated all required plugins and imported demo data. 

    After doing all these, my thought was that it would be then easy to work on the theme. Currently as I speak, I can't customize my theme in the appearance settings, WP bakery not working on other pages besides the home page, I can't customize pages (including the footer page and a couple other pages) on the site,  I haven't found where to edit widgets (e.g, the product category sidebar I would like to change the texts there <i.e, the wine categories, brand names and more ...> and add a couple more categories... more to talk on the widgets), and a couple of other issues.

    I'll be waiting for your assistance as deadline of work submission is just tomorrow and still haven't gotten the liberty on the site. Thanks, it's Chris here.

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris !

    Please provided your wp-admin account, I will check the details of the problem and help you adjust on the site

    thank you

  •   Zerk_Chris replied privately
  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hello Kevin, hope you were able to gain access?

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris

    # I helped to enable the Footer editor at WpBakery-> Role Manager

    # Widgets, sidebars are used on the theme at Appearance-> Widgets, you can go here and see which widgets are in use.

    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Very good morning Kevin. Thanks for the updates. Well, are you saying you've addressed all the issues I pointed out?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hello, Kevin?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hello, are you there Kevin?

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris !

    Yes, I have answered you earlier and to use settings you can review and use on the site

    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Please I who need you to help me customize the theme. I am still having difficulties. Thanks so much.

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris 

    You can leave details of the issues you are talking about by recording books like 1,2,3 ...
    I will guide you through each of them


  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Okay sure Kevin, thanks once again please. It would have been more effective if I sent you a voice recording or we have a call because typing wouldn't give me the luxury of addressing all that's needed to be addressed in a rather complete manner.

    I'll try my possible best to be as clear, concise and prudent nevertheless.


    I'm building a wine delivery site in which users would have to order wines and we'd deliver to them at their doorstep. The site, " DRIZLY.COM " is a point of reference so please take note.

    Main points:

    Point 1). On the navigation bar, " WINE ", " LIQUOR/ SPIRITE ", " BEER " and " OTHERS " should be listed (pages) and have their respective subpages which I'll list in Point 2. Each subpage under a particular page should display their respective wine products when clicked (I'll explain further in Point 2). [Reference drizly.com]

    Point 1a). When any of those pages are clicked and opened, they should display in a grid form (with 3 columns) their respective wine products. What's currently on the theme is the "SHOP" page that doesn't serve the purpose I mentioned above, understandably so Kevin.

    Point 2). The " WINE " page should have "Red wine", "White Wine", "Sparkling wine" and "Rose Wine" as subpages. Preferably they should display as hover too when a mouse passes through. When any of these subpages are clicked and opened, they should show their respective products that's meant for them. [Reference Drizly.com]

    Point 3). The "LIQUOR/ SPIRIT" page should have "Whiskey" , "Vodka" , "Rum", "Gin", "Brandy" and "Tequilas" as subpages. Preferably they should display as hover too when a mouse passes through. When any of these subpages are clicked and opened, they should show their respective products that's meant for them. [Reference drizly.com]

    Point 4). The "BEER" page should be without subpages. Equally, the "OTHERS" page would simply be for accessories like wine openers, wine cups et al and be without subpages too Kevin.

    Point 5). For each subpages, the Product Category Sidebar (which currently has search by categories, filter by price et al) should have search by Origin, search by Food Pairing, search by Alcohol Contents and search by Brand additionally with all that it has already like search by colour et al.

    Point 6). The price of each products should be displayed in a range form and not just as one price showing, I.e it should be something like $270 to $350. That would suffice due to difference in store prices for same products at different locations Kevin. (I'm sure I can work that out in woocommerce so I'll check that personally again).

    Point 7). Kindly find the attachment. This is a very important part of the site. The product page should be like the attachment with respect to a table being at the right hand side showing the Product Details like; Category, Origin, Alcohol Contents, Bottle volume, Body, Sweet-Dry Scale, Food Pairing et al (Instead of a paragraph as it is on the theme currently. A table would be much preferable). It's very important for it to be in a table form and just at the right hand side of the product image. [Reference: Attachment]

    Kevin, I'll work on some pertaining concerns likewise. I'll point out the other petty issues, but for now let's work on this ones before we advance. Thank you.

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris 


    Please set the full sub-menu levels at Appearance-> Menus, I will help you to adjust the color and columns for each item.
    # 2 For filters, create product filters in Product-> attributes, and create products and add these attributes when Edit product, and add filter on "Product Category Sidebar" widget.
    #for info on product detail page, i will help you to show these css attributes and you can add its content directly in description section when Edit Produduct
    ## please set up the necessary content first and I will help you perfect the rest

    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hello Kevin, please I've added the sub-menus. The rest of the stuffs you said I should add like adding attributes to products I did a couple of them but I realized they aren't still displaying on the product's category sidebar of the responsible pages.

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris 

    # I have adjusted the menu display with multiple columns
    #Please add custom values within product attributes
    # and a variation production as suggested below so that the filters on the Shop page will display

    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Okay sure I'll be doing that right away, thanks so much. Just a quick question here Kevin, I would have loved if it was still possible to use the sample wine products that were on the site's shop page in the various pages I've created, at least for the meantime (before I place in the actual wine products that would be  sold on the site, because as I speak, I would have to go to local wine vendors and get their wines on the site but they would love to see how sample wines would be displayed too) hence the use of the mock wines that were on the site would really suffice for now.

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris

    You can create prototypes to serve current functionality on your site
    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    I can create prototypes as in I simply create simples all from the scratch?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    I've added some products and their attributes but it doesn't go to the desired page/sub-page. Why is it so difficult to handle?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hello? Are you there Kevin?

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris 

    Please set up the product and link to it as suggested below when Edit Product

    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    https://lookupp.site/?product_cat=red-wine check out this page, can I know why the product images there has extended to the footer?  And how do I fix it?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Check this out too, https://lookupp.site/?product_cat=wine 

    The products extends beyond the footer on the desktop view, on the mobile view it fits in perfectly well. How do I rectify that please?

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied


    I fixed your issue on the site, please check again


  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hey Kevin, I also just realized that the problem only shows up when I'm viewing the site on the browser that has my admin account saved in. It works perfectly well when I view the site on a different browsers in which I haven't log-in to the admin dashboard, rather weird but that's what happens. Kindly check the attachment to view how I see it. 

    I think that's alright though, everything is fine. I can work with it if it's only me that gets to see the distortion. Thanks Kevin.

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied


    I adjusted it, please clear the Cache and check again

    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Thanks so much Kevin, I really appreciate. 

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    It's fixed

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris 

    thank you, have a good day

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hello, very good day Kevin. How do I hide the option for vendors being able to sign up? I don't want to give vendors the permission to signup for (I want to be the one posting the wines ..only customers should be able to signup) for now until further notice, please how do I go about that?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Secondly, I know about the creation of a variable product, but I haven't come across an option where a product can display a price range instead of a single price (i.e the price for a particular wine could be $12.00 - $25.00, instead of just displaying a single price say $12.00) how do I go about that?

  •  479
    Criss replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris !

    You go to edit product and do as photo.


    You will have a price range.

    Thank you !

    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Thanks Jamie, that really suffice.

     How do I hide the option for vendors being able to sign up? I don't want to give vendors the permission to signup for (I want to be the one posting the wines ..only customers should be able to signup) for now until further notice, please how do I go about that? I was thinking of using html to comment out the option at the signup page, but didn't find the particle page in my files, how do I go about that?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hey Jamie, the image you sent as an attachment for the variable product stuff doesn't seem to answer issue, kindly look at the attachment below to get a complete gist of the price range I'm talking of:: from there you can see prices indicated on the bottom of the wine image like : $9.99 - $83.99, $2.09 - $8.50 etc...

  •  479
    Criss replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris

    Please enter a price for each varation option. It will display lowest price to highest price.




    Thank you .

    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Alright sure Jamie, thanks so much, that works.

    How about the  last question I sent please, it there a way forward?

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris!

    # Please deactive plugin Dokan if you do not want to use it to disable Vendor registration

    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Okay Kevin, thanks for your suggestion. Hope that would'nt create a ripple effect on the site? I am particularly more interested in just removing the option for a Vendor sigup account at the sign up page hence was thinking I could simply go to the wordpress theme source code and comment a few of those lines out and still all would be working fine.

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris!

    #As I mentioned you can go to Dokan Plugin to remove this part or deactive plugin


  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Thanks Kevin. It works. 

    I think I'm done with most of the theme's customization. It's a really good theme I must say, and it's been great working with you guys on it. Thank you.

    I have a bit of preference with the navigation bar that I hope could take effect. Instead of having an horizontal line striking through the middle of each selected menu page, can it simply be just a color highlight/ the horizontal bar would be under the page menu instead of in through the middle of the words?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Hello, I tried using WPBakery to edit my currently home page but I don't see an option for that, please how do I go about that?

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris

    I adjusted the menu
    # Please clear the Cache and check the Edit problem with WPBakery

    thank you

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Thanks Kevin, the horizontal line stuff has been fixed. 

    I have cleared my cache, I'm using the Lookbook homepage which I got the code from the theme's user manual,  but I'm still having difficulty in how I can find WPBakery as a means to edit it. Besides I also realized that when I hover to the other page menus at the navigation bar from the home page, it doesn't appear clear.

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris  !

    # Please check back on the site



  • Zerk_Chris replied

    Thanks Kevin, I have migrated the site to the actual website which it's intended to be in, I think all's set for now. I really appreciate. I'll keep you posted.

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    I just realized that when I view the site's homepage on a mobile phone/ in mobile version, it is slightly more positioned to the left and there's extra space on the right.  Could the aforementioned be due to the dimensions of the images I uploaded, how do I rectify that?

  • Zerk_Chris replied

    I've fixed it with a little html css code, it's all good now

  •  2,684
    Kevin replied

    Hi Zerk_Chris

    thanks, have a good day