At the moment, when you search for pepper (in german "Pfeffer"), not only does pepper appear as a product, but also products that contain pepper. That is there in the description of the ingredients. Hence the question of whether you can limit the search from a "full text search" to a searcher for the "product names".
Currently this search section will search for words that match the product name, product description, short description, if these items contain it, it will display
is it possible to restrict the search function to the product names of woocommerce? No full text search?
Thank´s for your feedback!
Hi Marco
Currently you can search from 2 letters to the full name of the product
Hi Kevin,
thank you for your feedback!
At the moment, when you search for pepper (in german "Pfeffer"), not only does pepper appear as a product, but also products that contain pepper. That is there in the description of the ingredients. Hence the question of whether you can limit the search from a "full text search" to a searcher for the "product names".
Is it possible?
Beste Regards, Marco
Hi Marco !
Currently this search section will search for words that match the product name, product description, short description, if these items contain it, it will display
Hi Kevin,
thank´s for your feedback.
Is it possible to change / restrict this search function only to the product name?
Thank´s for your answer!
Hi Marco!
Currently Theme does not support this, not limited to it