  Public Ticket #2830155


  • Saleh Salimahomed started the conversation


    I've been working on your theme for about 2months now and there are a few problems which I had stumbled upon which differed from the mobile and desktop screen sizes.

    But as I had worked on the site, I had managed to work around a few problems and get them fixed in a heuristic manner.

    Please see above for the problems I am currently in need of help for:

    1. How do I remove/edit the social media icons for mobile on the menu tab?

    2.  How do I remove the "vendor info" from the products page? Also how may I remove that completely because it also shows it on mobile as "sign up for vendor". We don't want that feature at all.

    3. How do I remove the "add to cart", "add to wishlist", and "compare" tabs on the product page that's on each image?

    4. How do I change the font for the shop page? I've managed to change font for all pages besides shop.

    These are just a few of the many problems I had encountered but I've only listed 4 that need urgent attention, the rest I'll figure a fix. Please could you assist me on the above?

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Saleh Salimahomed 

    Please provided your wp-admin account, I will check the details of the problem and help you adjust on the site

    thank you

  •   Saleh Salimahomed replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied


    #1, go to Theme options->General->header of inner page, scroll down to the end "Custom content editor" to edit it
    # please deaactive the Dokan plugin on the site to remove these
    #3 go to Theme options->Ecommerce->Product Category to hide "Product add to crat button" and deactivate the Yith Compare plugin and Yith Wishlist to hide this function on product images
    #fonts on Shop are receiving settings at Theme options->Styling->Typography


  • Saleh Salimahomed replied

    Thanks a lot! I've managed to get them all sorted.

    One more thing, the filter tab that's on mobile is not clickable. I've tried to click it many times but it doesn't respond, and when I click on a product that filter tab is still there. How do I remove it or at least make it functionable?

    Many thanks

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Saleh Salimahomed 

    i have adjusted it show it working correctly on site please clear the cache and check again


  • Saleh Salimahomed replied

    Thanks for all the assistance Kevin, you're a superstar!

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Saleh Salimahomed

    You're welcome!

    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    If you're happy with the theme and support you received we would really appreciate it if you could leave us a good review and positive comment over on themeforest.

    It only takes a moment and really helps us to keep doing what we do best :)

    Just go to http://themeforest.net/downloads and click "Rate this item" under your theme.

    Many thanks in advance!