  Public Ticket #2891924
How to set up a Product Deal ?


  • Felix Weiliang Lu started the conversation

    Dear ThemeFTC,

    How can I set up a product deal that has time limitation ? I see that in the Demo there is a time limited product deal, but I don't really know where we can actually set up the product to show up as a time limited deal. I went under WooCommerce products and there seems to be no options to configure a time limited deal.

    And also, in the Product Deal Slider, there are options to change the "Products filters" to Latest Products, Featured Products, Products on Sale, Best Rated products etc. How can I set my product such that it will show up in either of these filters ? 

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Felix Weiliang Lu !

    To set up a product with Deal, edit the product and set the time period in the product data section

    # for filter will display products by attribute
    #sale: discount products
    #featured: the product is highlighted here
    #lastest: most recent product


  • Miguel replied

    I have a question regarding this. 
    Where I'm supposed to write those # (#sale, #lastest) to see those products on the correct slider?

    This is my first e-commerce ever, I'm a little bit lost 

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Miguel 

    #sale product is a discounted product set actual price and discount price in Edit product, set it and it will show on product section when you select Product type

    # lastest: most recent product, go to Products in the admin menu, it will be the first product you see


  • Miguel replied

    Yeah, actually that's what i have been doing, but my products are not displayed on the Homepage :( 

    Did i forget to configure something or any other step i need to do before?

    I would like to see the products on the FTC Products Slider, but i don't know how to set the "Product Type" when i'm creating a product to see it on the Homepage

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Miguel  !

    please go to Edit page of homepage, open product creation blocks like FTC Product , FTC Product Slider search for product category section and search for category and select it to display correctly on home page here


  • Miguel replied

    Thank you!!! That was the solution :D

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Miguel

    thanks, Have a good day