  Public Ticket #2913443
Using optional Attributes in variable products


  •  1
    Chris started the conversation


    How do I make attributes selection optional as I only need them to pick one selction from two attributes, not both?

    I want my users to be able to select either a poster or a canvas at their choose size for the product they're picking. If they've picked a poster size, then they don't then need to pick a canvas size?

    Many Thanks, Chris.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied


    Currently, Woocommerce only supports selecting the entire attrbite to add to cart
    # to optimize the selection, please create more options "none" in all 3 attributes
    # then when Editing the product, create variions associated with "none" in the aiitrbute together

  •  1
    Chris replied

    Hi Kevin.

    Undertstood. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Many Thanks, Chris.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    hi Chris 

    thanks, Glad to help you