  Public Ticket #2984895
Logo on single product page


  •  1
    Mirek started the conversation

    Dear FTC Team,

    I know that there is no way to modify the directly single product page. But I need to display logos on sticky.
    How can I display the logo properly on mobile?

    Thank you!

  •  479
    Criss replied

    Hi Mirek

    I have shown the logo on sticky for you already. Clear your cache and check your site.

    Thanks !

    Best regards,

    Criss  - ThemeFTC technical expert

  •  1
    Mirek replied

    Hey Jamie,
    Thank you for your help. Can you tell me why when I'm scrolling to the bottom, my sticky menu disappears in the middle of the page? But if I scroll up everything works fine.


  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Mirek

    It is the default feature of the theme, if you don't like it we can adjust and remove it on the current site.

    Thanks !

  •  1
    Mirek replied

    Hi Kevin,
    Yes, please. 

    And another question about the menu. Is there any chance to add "smooth transition animation" from the normal menu to sticky?

    On longer pages, it is not noticeable (like a home page on mine) but if there is a very short page this "jump" from sticky to normal is odd to me I think. What do you think about that?

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi  Mirek

    I have helped you to adjust on the site, Please clear the Cache and check again on the site

    Thanks !

  •  1
    Mirek replied

    Something wrong with searchbox.


    PS I switched CDN to development mode. There is no need to clear cache each time.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Mirek

    Your issue has been fixed, please check again on the site

    Thanks !

  •  1
    Mirek replied

    WOnderful! Thank you!

    One more question: Is there any way to configure the speed of this transition. My page is a bit slow. For example, I would like to have something like here:


    It transforms almost instantly ;-).
    Thank you.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied


    Please use some more Cache plugins to optimize page load performance such as Autoptimize, W3 Total Cache, Faster Cache.... try to use and configure and check again on the site

    Thanks !

  •  1
    Mirek replied

    I know that I need more caching but I want to add caching plugins after I finish page development. Basicly, I don't think that caching will help in this place and will increase speed when sticky menu is dropping down. It seems that there is some delay between triggering sticky menu and starting when this menu is dropping down. Or maybe I'm wrong ;-|

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied


    Please clear Cache and press ctrl+f5 and check again
