  Public Ticket #3052781
how to display add to wishlist/compare


  • silke started the conversation

    hi again,

    i cannot find any option to activate "add to wishlist" or "compare".

    none of both is displayed on single product pages.

    YITH plugins are installed.

    do i again have to edit the css, or is there any way to set this in the theme options?

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hello Silke,

    You can activate those 2 plugins, attached image below.

    Thank you!

  •   silke replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hello Silke,

    You can re-edit the css for it (display: inline-block;).

    Thank you!

  • silke replied

    thanks. so i will edit it.

    not re-edit!

    i did not edit the css before, it came like this with your theme ... 

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi ,

    You're welcome!

    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    If you're happy with the theme and support you received we would really appreciate it if you could leave us a good review and positive comment over on themeforest.

    It only takes a moment and really helps us to keep doing what we do best :)

    Just go to http://themeforest.net/downloads and click "Rate this item" under your theme.

    Many thanks in advance!