  Public Ticket #3230880
Yoast SEo Plugin not working


  • David B started the conversation

    I have the Yoast SEO Plugin and there is an error code when trying to configure the plugin.

    I am reachiong out here because when I go into troubleshooting mode and try to setup the plugin with a different Theme installed I do not get a message, which leads me to believe it's the theme that is the issue. 

    Has anyone else had this issue with Yoast??

     The error says: 

    Error parsing the response to JSON.

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    <body id="error-page">
    	<div class="wp-die-message"><p>There has been a critical error on this website.</p><p><a href="https://wordpress.org/support/article/faq-troubleshooting/">Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.</a></p></div></body>

  •  282
    Martin replied

    Hi David B,

    We have never seen such error before. The theme is compatible with the Yoast SEO plugin. We already tested it work fine from our end. You should check the configurations of the plugin again. Or let us access to the site so we'll investigate it further.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC

  • Jukka replied

    We have the exact same problem, and error message.  Did you find any solution for that?

  • David B replied

    I did find a solution on one of the quora threads I think. 

    I basically had to disable all the plugins, 

    I went into troubleshoot mode (which I may have needed to download something to do a tourbleshoot mode)

    In troubleshoot mode I went to theme and switched the wordpress theme to one of the blank themes.

    Then I went through the Yoast stuff and after it works and you leave troubleshoot mode

    You end up back in the Organico theme and Yoast works.

    If my memory serves me right

  •  282
    Martin replied

    Thanks for Sharing your Experience with others!

    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC

  • Jukka replied

    For me, temporarily disabling ThemeFTC fixed this, then the Yoast SEO First-time configuration "SEO Data Optimisation" went through fine.  Had also the Karo theme switched to the plain "twenty twenty-three" theme, unfortunately didn't test first with the Karo theme active.

  •  282
    Martin replied

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC

  • Jukka replied

    Tested today again, when YOAST SEO suggested rerunning the Data Optimisation, and only deactivating ThemeFTC temporarily is enough, no need to change to another theme.

    So very clearly something in the ThemeFTC plugin is messing up with Yoast SEO Optimisation process.

  •  282
    Martin replied

    Hi Jukka,

    Please send us some screenshots of the problem. We'll check it further.


    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC

  •  282
    Martin replied

    Thanks for the info!

    We'll investigate it further.

    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC

  • Jukka replied

    Also noticed that after deactivating ThemeFTC, succesfully running the Yoast SEO Optimisation, and then reactivating ThemeFTC plugin, Yoast SEO right away asks to rerun the Optimisation...  

    "We need to re-analyse some of your SEO data because of a change in the visibility of your taxonomies. Please help us do that by running the SEO data optimisation.

    We estimate this will take less than a minute.

    Start SEO data optimisation"

  •  282
    Martin replied


    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC