On the product page the share links and email to friend do not show correctly and finally can we have it so all the product description is showing, we don't need the read more button which once clicked shows all of the description.
I have attached a screen shot of what i mean about the images being cropped. If you could please advise has i should be able to change the sizes, of images on the landing pages of each category.
Additionally you have not addresses the formatting of the share links, i have attached a screen shot for you has email to a friend is not showing correctly.
1. By default, WooCommerce handles image size. You can set the image width from Appearance >> Customize >> WooCommerce >> Product images, however, the height of the image is automatically generated based on the width.
It is recommended to use a graphics editor to prepare product images (make them the same size) before uploading them to your media gallery. If you do not want to resize images manually, you may contact WooCommerce support for other suggestions.
I have put our categories in the main navigation of the shop.
The categories are showing as one in a straight drop down, i would like them to show like the mega menu, side by side.
Can you please show me how to use the mega menu with what i have got set up pls.
Another issue is that some of out product images do not show all the images is there a way i can resize the product images so that they all show correctly. An example is here - https://www.garden-sculptures.co.uk/product-category/animalia/
On the product page the share links and email to friend do not show correctly and finally can we have it so all the product description is showing, we don't need the read more button which once clicked shows all of the description.
many thanks
Hi Simon,
1. Menu
- See my settings https://prnt.sc/_S7OdV6TMU6l
2. Product images are looking fine on my end https://prnt.sc/BtO2G-XLR2Qs
Hi Kevin
I have attached a screen shot of what i mean about the images being cropped. If you could please advise has i should be able to change the sizes, of images on the landing pages of each category.
Additionally you have not addresses the formatting of the share links, i have attached a screen shot for you has email to a friend is not showing correctly.
Hope this can be fixed asap.
Attached files: img 2.jpg
img 1.jpg
Hi Simon,
1. By default, WooCommerce handles image size. You can set the image width from Appearance >> Customize >> WooCommerce >> Product images, however, the height of the image is automatically generated based on the width.
For more information, please refer to the WooCommerce official documentation here: https://woocommerce.com/document/image-sizes-theme-developers/
It is recommended to use a graphics editor to prepare product images (make them the same size) before uploading them to your media gallery. If you do not want to resize images manually, you may contact WooCommerce support for other suggestions.
We hope this information is helpful.
Please try to Regenerate Thumbnails. You can use the Regenerate thumbnails plugin to do this https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
2. Please add below code to Customize -> Additional CSS