  Public Ticket #3449440
website problem


  • Aniket started the conversation

    I have purchased peto theme today from themeforest. But when i install theme in wordpress i didn't get all the home pages that you have shown in demo. And also when i tired to activate ThemeFTC Core plugin the error "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare scrape_instagram() (previously declared in /home3/websiwhe/autorepair.websitetest.in/wp-content/plugins/themeftc-core/includes/instagram.php:21) in /home3/websiwhe/autorepair.websitetest.in/wp-content/plugins/themeftc-core/includes/instagram.php on line 21" is coming i am really not satisfied with these things and also all the pages in the website is not coming properly not at all perfect UI/UX design is coming that i have seen in demos before purchasing theme . Please help me out from this situtation as soon as possible. There is no header and footer coming in website and no image is coming .


    These errors are also coming ...there is no widget coming in my website . Ajax function is not working at all in my website. please also tell me how to import images , demo products, and content as i have import whole the website but these things didn't coming in my website till now.  

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Please send temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password), I will check this problem for you.


  •   Aniket replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Would you mind if I erase all content and re-import?


  • Aniket replied

    You can re-import all content i don't have any problem but sir please make everything look like demo pages that you have shown in your website. and please see mega menu problem also mega menu is not working in website

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    I've fixed your issue. Please check your site again.

    If you have a quick minute we always appreciate a 5-star rating for our theme and customer and technical support.


    Your feedback is the motivation to improve our work and services.


  • Aniket replied

    Sir i have checked my website you have improve it very well but still mega menu function is not working in the website. and the home page is not same as demo page can you please make it proper duplicate like demo page . I have changed the Logo of the website and it changed on all other pages except home page please see why logo is not getting changed in home page. Please sir give update as soon as possible.

    Link of the demo page :- https://peto.themeftc.com/home2e/

    There a lot of difference in my products pages and which are present in demo page i am attaching scrrenshot of one products please see it and please do required changes to make my shop page also same like your demo pages:-

    This is a product screenshot coming in demo website


    And this is the screenshot of same product coming in my current website:-


    Please check these section and please make it same in my website. and please make a shop menu as a mega menu. And i think that elementor is not working properly in my website please check that also.

    Please also see the contact us form it's not same as demo contact us page.


    I have trying to do some change through elementor but nothing is getting changed it remains same like in past please see


    Please get rid of this compare button it's coming in all the pages i don't want that compare button look in front like this.


    and please check the popup it is not coming in my website home page but it is present in Demo website , i want to add pop up also on my home page.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    I am checking your site again, will update you ASAP.

    Thanks for your patience and hope you have a great Sunday.


  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Thanks for your patience.

    1. mega menu function is not working in the website. and the home page is not same as demo page can you please make it proper duplicate like demo page . 

    - The mega menu is working fine https://prnt.sc/zLNh239-1eAP https://prnt.sc/lu7IXtfu9wu5

    2. I have changed the Logo of the website and it changed on all other pages except home page please see why logo is not getting changed in home page. Please sir give update as soon as possible.

    - I see the logo changed. Seems you figured out by yourself.

    3. Variable products

    - You can add attributes to variable product, please read this also https://woocommerce.com/document/variable-product/

    4. Contact form

    - Please double check.

    5. Compare button

    - Please add below code to Customize -> Additional CSS

    a.compare.button {
        display: none;

    6. Newsletter popup

    - Please disable cache plugin, clear browser cache and check again.

    Hope it helps.


  • Aniket replied

    I have checked my website now ..I am facing some more isuues :-
    1) My site is not responsive i think this error is coming because of my website footer i request you to solve this problem as soon as possible because it a very major issue in my website.
    2) Newsletter popup:- This is not coming in my website you have told me some steps but i am not able to uunderstand that can you please explain it so that i can follow that steps easily.
    3) and can you also tell me how to use this Language and Currency changer feature as it is not working in my website and according to  my business i required that feature it is very important for me.
    4)When i click on compare button when i hover to any product then compare function is not working at all in my website i am attaching the scrrenshot of this issue, no data is coming in the compare table please check this issue and please resolve this issue .


    5)I am trying to hide short discription and rating and categories in my home pages products but when i am trying to do that using elementor nothing is changes it remains same, i am attaching screenshot of the issue please check and resolve that issue


    6) And please check why add to cart button is not coming in my products page if this function will not come that no one can buy products from my website

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    1. Please provide me with screenshots for better  understanding. On my side, your site is responsive.

    2. Fixed. https://prnt.sc/LB2pudZl10Sx

    3. If you want to translate and use your site in any single language then you can use the loco translate plugin for it 


    if you want to translate and use your site in multi-languages then you can use the Polylang or WPML plugin for this.

    4. Fixed https://prnt.sc/LmL_Ezuh6d5i


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    1)I am attaching the Screenshot of issues that i am facing in my website Mobile View, as you can see Newsletter section is not at all responsive, the shadow of "O" in Our Categories Section and "P" in New arrivals section is also not responsive, and coming to footer part the headings like Address, Phone, Business Hours, Follow Us, are not in center as shown in Demo Website. So can you please solve these issues.
    2)I am trying to hide short discription and rating and categories in my home pages products but when i am trying to do that using elementor nothing is changes it remains same, i am attaching screenshot of the issue please check and resolve that issue, i asked you this question in previous reply also but you didn't reply on this point can you please solve this problem as it is very important issue. I am attaching this issue screenshot below:-7242357724.png
    3) Previously, when we hover on Pet Supplies section products then compare and whishlist icon are coming but now only whislist icon is coming can you tell me why this is happening and can you please resolve this issue as compare icon is also important, i am attaching the screenshot of the section below:-


    Attached files:  WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 10.05.57 AM.jpeg
      WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 10.06.02 AM.jpeg
      WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 10.05.52 AM.jpeg
      WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 10.05.48 AM.jpeg

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    I am checking your site, will update you when it's done.

    Thanks for your patience.


  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    1. Fixed.

    https://prnt.sc/CRwEqXWBTATX https://prnt.sc/f77mOG8e0kKo


    2. Please add below code to Customize -> Additional CSS

    .item-description .star-rating,
    .item-description .product-categories,
    .item-description .short-description{
        display: none;

    3. Compare icon is still there, please double check https://prnt.sc/Kyh0MoBLtidx


  • Aniket replied

    Hi kevin, 
    i am also facing one more issue in my website, when i open my website and at this moment my compare table is empty , and then i add first product in compare table, then popup of compare table come having one product in it, and then i go back and add other products in compare table, now according to compare table all products that i added in compare table have to come in compare table but the issue is that when pop up comes only that one first product comes in compare table and no other product come at that time in compare table but if i remove that first product from compare table then all other products that i added to compare comes in compare table, so this thing is not good for my website i want that the products added to compare should come in compare table in first time itself, i am attaching the scrrenshot of the issue:-


    now when i remove this product all other products will come in compare table :-

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Could you please record the video of problem for better understanding?

    Thanks for your patience.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    I have successfully solved that problem. Thanks for your support. I will reach out to you again when I have a new query.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Glad to hear your issue has been resolved. Keep us in mind for future questions and concerns, we're always here to help!

    If you have a quick minute we always appreciate a 5-star rating for our theme and customer and technical support.


    Your feedback is the motivation to improve our work and services.

    Hung PD

  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    I want to ask that how can i change the categries coming in shope page breadcumbs, i want to change categories from there , as you can see in below attached screenshot there are 3 categories name written in breadcumb i want to know how to change these categories and can i add more then 3 categories here?


    and please also tell same for categories section coming in left sidebar of shop pages.


    and can you please check homepage pop-up, in my website there is no content coming in popup

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    1. List of categories

    - See screenshot for better understanding https://prnt.sc/24upzmX3Q4bf

    2. Sidebar categories

    - Same as #1 https://prnt.sc/36ZA5-412biW

    3. Popup content

    - Please double check. https://prnt.sc/cuPSjOvC6EnX

    Have a great Sunday.

    If you have a quick minute we always appreciate a 5-star rating for our theme and customer and technical support.


    Your feedback is the motivation to improve our work and services.

    Hung PD

  • Aniket replied

    Hello Kevin,

    I'm encountering several issues with your theme. When I attempt to edit elements on my website using Elementor on a mobile screen, it doesn't seem to work correctly. It appears that there may be compatibility problems between the theme and Elementor.

    Additionally, I've noticed that the website's footer is not responsive. It seems to change on its own without any direct modifications from me. And please tell me why elementor is not working properly with this theme 

    I would appreciate your assistance in resolving these issues.

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-09-22 172138.png

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    1. Please provide me with recorded video for better understanding.

    2. Please read this article https://elementor.com/help/custom-css-not-working/


  •   Aniket replied privately
  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,

    Please tell me how to edit this section and add new categories here please update for this

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Ankit,

    1. Please clear browser cache and check again. https://prnt.sc/6twl2wFKBi7g

    2. In case you don't see the changes, you may need go to Elementor > Tools and Regenerate CSS first.

    Please let me know how it goes.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi kevin,
    I am getting this error message in admin dashboard:- 

    Failed to load plugin url: https://autorepair.websitetest.in/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/contact-form/js/tinymce-plugin-form-button.min.js

    2) I want to add contact form below every product but when i click on add contact from button nothing happens. i have attached the screenshot of button in product dashboard.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Please double check, I created demo page and contact form added perfectly https://prnt.sc/cb2SOWcbvjOJ


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    Can you tell me form where to edit inner page nav menu that is coming in dropdown i am attaching screenshot of that part

    I want to remove this two options(Language) & (Currency) from here
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    You can enable / disable in Theme Options > General > Header of Inner Pages https://prnt.sc/6TNraRTsIibj

    If you have a quick minute we always appreciate a 5-star rating for our theme and customer and technical support.


    Your feedback is the motivation to improve our work and services.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,

    5420787255.pngAfter entering my email address into the form, I'm encountering an issue where the pop-up reappears, and I don't receive any messages or notifications. Could you please assist me in getting this pop-up to work correctly and ensure that I receive messages or feedback after submitting the form? Your help with resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    For the popup reappears, please disable cache, clear browser cache and check again.

    You can read more plugin documentation for more details related to not receiving emails or confirmation https://www.mc4wp.com/kb/not-receiving-mailchimp-opt-in-confirmation-email/


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,


    As you can see in my shop page there is a feature of pagination, instead of these 1,2,3,4..10 pages i want to use Load More button here is it possible ? and if yes  can you please tell me how to do this.  


    I want to add these left sidebar and top sidebar in some other elementor pages also as of now these sidebar are only showing in shop page, can you please help me to add these features in new page also.
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    1. Please navigate to Theme Options > Ecommerce > Woocommerce to enable Load More.

    2. Filters is WooCommerce plugin functionality and used for Products Archive Pages only.

    For the sidebar widgets, you can edit page select Page layout, then navigate to Appearance > Widgets add widget to sidebars.  


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin, 
    Please check my footer design is changing by it's own and looking very bad 


    please help to make it responsive on mobile devices, we have changed this design in past also but again design is getting changed after somedays please check this issue and tell me the issue .


    i want to change social icons in this section can you please tell from where can i edit this part.


    I want to do some change in this section like i want to change related products heading to related puppies and i want that all the avilable products should come below here, so can you tell me from where i can edit this section as i am not able to do this change.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    1. Please regenerate CSS and check again. https://elementor.com/help/custom-css-not-working/

    2. You can use Loco Translate to change or translate words without affect to core files.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    I have added two more problem in the previous reply but you didn't answer that question can you please update on that query also.


    i want to change social icons in this section can you please tell from where can i edit this part.


    I want to do some change in this section like i want to change related products heading to related puppies and i want that all the avilable products should come below here, so can you tell me from where i can edit this section as i am not able to do this change.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    May I did not explain well, sorry for that.

    1. If you changed columns in responsive and do not see changes, you need to regenerate CSS. Please double check https://prnt.sc/Me0H4OquqAgy

    2. In order to change or translate words in themes or plugins, I kindly recommend you to use LocoTranslate plugin to do that. Related Products is part of WooCommerce and you should have knowledge of coding to customize it.

    3. Icons

    You can add / remove social icons here https://prnt.sc/y1RFUR7hRmfb

    Let me know if you need any helps.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    I also want to know more about this query:-
    6201361862.pngI want to do some change in this section like i want to change related products heading to related puppies and i want that all the avilable products should come below here, so can you tell me from where i can edit this section as i am not able to do this change.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    1. Related Products heading

    - Use LocoTranslate plugin to do that.

    2. Number of products

    - Please refer to this article https://woocommerce.com/document/change-number-of-related-products-output/


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin, 
    When i am editing hook.php file , but i am not able to find the link of sharing of instgram, tiktok and line like on facebook 
    https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u this link is present in anchor tag can you help me to provide these type of link for instagram, tiktok and line App also ?

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    1. Instagram

    Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to create a share button for Instagram as it is blocked by Instagram itself https://warfareplugins.com/support/instagram-sharing-button/

    2. Line

    You can read here https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/line-social-plugins/install-guide/using-line-share-buttons/#using-official-line-icons

    3. Tiktok

    I can't find information on Tiktok share like facebook, please contact their support for more details.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    I tried to change Related Product text using loco translate plugin but it doesn't work in my website.
    I have try  by writing the code in function.php file but it also not worked for me.

    can you please help me to replacing this word from your side.


    // Change WooCommerce "Related products" text
    add_filter('gettext', 'change_rp_text', 10, 3);
    add_filter('ngettext', 'change_rp_text', 10, 3);
    function change_rp_text($translated, $text, $domain)
    {     if ($text === 'Related products' && $domain === 'woocommerce') {         $translated = esc_html__('Check out our other products', $domain);     }     return $translated;

    This is the text that i want to replace with Related Puppies/Kittens

  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    I have replace the related product text to related puppies/kitten by edting in related.php file.

    But, only 4 products are coming below related product i want to increase number of products in that section i don't want to use slider to show more products i want that all remaining productss come below related product on same page.
    Is it Possible? can you  please help in this query?

    NOTE:- Main thing is that i want to show all the product in grid format below related product heading

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    1. Related Product heading

    - Please revert what you changed, then I will help you.

    2. Related Products is part of WooCommerce and there is no options to change the layout. It requires customization and knowledge of coding, which are out of basic support.

    You can refer to this article https://www.cloudways.com/blog/custom-related-products-in-woocommerce-store/


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,


    Can you please help me to make these two section responsive .

    1)Realated Puppies/Kitten Heading
    2) Newsletter section
  •  2,668
  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    can you please check the responsiveness of my website as today also my website is not responsive at all.....Please also tell me why this problem occurs again and again on the website.
    And please make it responsive as soon as possible.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Sorry for all inconveniences.

    But, please provide URL of the mentioned page, so I can take a closer look.

    Your site is fully responsive on my mobile devices, make sure you cleared all cache of browser.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi Kevin,
    I want to change the 'Out of stock' text coming in wocommerce products and replace it by 'reserved' . I have already tried some ways to change it but it doesn'r work for me so can you please help me in this matter.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Ankit,

    Have you synced strings in theme as well?


  • Aniket replied

    Hi kevin,
    No i have not done that yet can you please tell me how to that can how i can change out of stock text to something else.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    I am checking your site, will update you ASAP.

    Hung PD

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    I synced strings all strings on my end and going to be upload to your site but seems you switched to another theme.

    Please provide URL of site and temporary wp-admin account so I can upload new translation file for you.


  •   Aniket replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    I've fixed your issue. Please check your site again.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi kevin,
    I have checked it's changed thanks for you support . Can you tell me also how did you change this as if i want to replace it with other text so i can do it by my own?

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    In order to change / translate words, navigate to Loco Translate > Theme, select Peto and you can do that.


  • Aniket replied

    Hi kevin,

    Ok, I will try.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Aniket,

    Let me know if you need further helps.
