  Public Ticket #3501124
Theme/Wordpress Error


  • Adeyemi started the conversation


    Product gallery refused to stack horizontally.

    Secondly, I do get critical error notification after payment is made via the ecommerce website.

    Thanks in anticipation.

  •  282
    Martin replied

    Hi Odusina Adeyemi Sodiq,

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience!

    Please provide us Backend(wp-admin) access to your site and some screenshots of the problems.

    We will check and help you solve them.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC

  •   Adeyemi replied privately
  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Odusina,

    Would you mind if I erase all content and re-import?


  • Adeyemi replied

    Thats fine.

    Kindly go ahead.

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Odusina,

    I am working on your site, will update you ASAP.

    Thanks for your patience.


  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Odusina,

    Thanks for your patience.

    I've fixed your issue. Please check your site again.


  • Adeyemi replied


    Thanks for the help, Kevin.

    The whole upload is complete now, except for the issue of product gallery not stacking as 4 or 6 product per row. Kindly check homepage to see for yourself. 

    If you observe, the featured product or Hot deal product gallery are supposed to be stacked in 2 to 6 product per row, but rather they all just stack below each other no matter what setting you insert in the WP Bakery builder.

    Kindly help look at this.

  •  282
    Martin replied

    Hi Odusina,

    It's still working fine from our end like the attached screenshots. Please clear cache of your browser and let us know.

    Thank you!

    Attached files:  hot-deals.png

    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC

  • Adeyemi replied

    Alright. Thanks. 

    Clearing the catch worked. 

    How about the top menu category dropdown.

    they seem not to be linking anywhere after clicks.

  •  282
    Martin replied

    Can you send me a screenshot? Thanks!

    Best Regards,
    Martin - ThemeFTC

  • Adeyemi replied

    THere it is

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 10.49.32.png

  •  2,668
    Kevin replied

    Hi Odusina,

    It looked fine on Chrome and Firefox https://prnt.sc/WTz05Bc9zPct

    Which browser you are using?
